Thursday, April 29, 2010

End of April

Hi everyone,
I can finally add some new pictures! And I have some very cute ones! Adam is 6 months old tomorrow, can you believe it? I can't. He is getting so big and now it seems that when ever we put him on his tummy he immediately rolls over to his back. Of course this only works one way since he has only figured out what to do with his right arm only. He loves his new exercauser and has learned to bounce in it. He also loves to sit up on his own, or kind of on his own.

Oh he has moved on from screaming to this grunt that he taught himself. We will see what sound he comes up with next. My mom has it on video we will work on getting it on the computer so you all can hear and see him do his grunt.

Adam threw his ball across the room (ok maybe not across the room, but across our circle of moms) at our mommy group. Everyone was impressed at how strong he is. We are almost at the end of our time with the mommy group and I will be super sad when that day comes. I am taking Adam to his first yoga class this Saturday, it is a mommy and baby yoga class. I will update you with how that goes next week. And then the weekend after this one is, yes you guessed it my first Mother's Day and that just happens to land on my actual birthday. So it is my super special day!!

Hope you are all doing wonderful and we miss you all!!
Adam, Gabriel, and Sharon

Picture description: The first two are from Easter (also big brother's birthday weekend and my mom had us over for Easter dinner), the third picture is his 5 month picture, the fourth is just one of my favorite pictures of him wearing one of my favorite onesies, picture 5 is one of him wearing the outfit his papa gave him, and finally the sixth is just cute because it is Adam and the shirt says it all! Enjoy!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

April 12, 2010

Adam had a pretty full weekend. He has officially learned how to turn on this from toy he received from Joellen's mom. He hits the eye and it plays a song and lights up. He really enjoys that. I have been helping him learn how to sit up, he still has a lot more practice on that one. He still is rolling over from his belly to his back, but can't seem to figure out what to do with his arm when he tries from his back to his belly. Ah the trials of a 5 month old. I finally put up a mobile above his bed and he noticed it when I was trying to get him to bed (of course). He couldn't take his eyes off of it. He received a bunch more very cute clothes from his buddy Charlie. And of course time didn't allow for me to get the rest of the pictures downloaded this weekend to add a new one but soon!! Take care and many kisses and hugs from Adam!

Oh I almost forgot my mom learned this weekend that Adam now knows how to hug, and he is extremely good at it. I am pretty sure this one he learned from me!! he he he

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Adam's smile

Hi all, I have got to get better about updating this, I will work on it I promise! Adam is getting so big now (don't know his weight right now), but he is officially in 3 to 6 months clothing!! And he is smiling a ton with a bunch of giggling in between. It is my goal to get him to giggle at least 5 times or more a day. I have to say this is the easiest task I have in my day and the most satisfying. He has been a bit more grumpy lately and we believe it is due to some teeth that are going to make their way into his smile hopefully very soon. Or he just misses me unconditionally every day and can't wait to tell me about it when I get home. Adam is in the stage of wanting to roll over a lot now. He hasn't been super successful yet but he keeps trying especially on the changing table, which has been one of his favorite places for a long time now. We got to experience Gymboree yesterday at our mommy group. Adam loves when people sing to him and he loved all the great experiences we got. OH the bubbles, he loved them. I am partial to bubbles as well so that might have had something to do with it. Ok more pictures tomorrow but for now I will add an older one because I want to share his beautiful face with you all!! Love Adam, Gabriel, and Sharon

The picture is of Adam with his favorite musical girafe!