Friday, May 20, 2011


This picture was taken this morning while Adam was having his morning baba with his dada! He only takes one at night and one in the morning now, he is getting so big.

Long time since I have posted on my blog and I don't think anyone even looks here anymore. But for me it is nice and I am going to post more often. Adam is 18 months now and so wonderful. He is a lover of music, bikes, scooters, motorcycles, and the best yet BOOKS!! Yes so far so good on being a lover of books. I couldn't be happier. Well each passing day let's me know I can be happier, but you get it right?

He drinks out of a big boy cup and doesn't want to sit in his high chair anymore so we have him in the seat that attaches to the table. He is in childcare part time, which I think is really good for him!

I still see him hold his thumbs in his fists like he did when he was so little. His hair is getting long and a bit of a curl in the back. He climbs on everything and loves animals. He has a special sound for our chickens and flaps his arm like we do when we interpret a chicken, super cute!!

I promise more soon and we miss all of our friends and family.
